1. Embrr Rye Porter, Ithaca Beer Co.; NY
Ithaca, NY
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Ithaca Beer Co. FB Page
A cold weather game changer of a beer, Embrr is every bit as rich and tasty as its sonorous name suggests. A true wake up call if you haven’t started packing away your Summer whites yet. Embrr (not a typo!) is brewed with a hefty portion of rye and flaked rye to give this smooth porter a rich chocolaty body and hint of spice.
2. Spooner’s Stout, Red Brick Station; MD
8149 Honeygo Blvd, White Marsh, MD
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Red Brick Station
A true Irish Ale for those of you who are brave enough to get into the darker beers. Spooners’ has a full roasted malt flavor and a perfect balance between the hops and malt. It’s smooth as silk going down and is sure to please.
3. Wakatu Black Pale Ale, Front Street Brewery; NC
9 N Front St, Wilmington, NC
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Front Street Brewery FB Page
This new hit single features a duet between dark roasted malt & New Zealand Wakatu hops. A crescendo of bitterness harmonizes a melodic malt medley of espresso & licorice flavors. Balanced with a smooth, soft finish, it’s a bittersweet symphony.
4. Falcon Smash IPA, Triple Crossing Brewing Company; VA
113 S Foushee St, Richmond, VA
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Triple Crossing Brewing Company FB PAge
All Falconers Flight hops, all the time. Double dry hopped and fermented with American ale yeast.
5. Hummin’bird, Red Oak Brewery; NC
6901 Konica Dr, Whitsett, NC
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Red Oak Brewery FB PAge
Hummin’bird is a Golden Lager or Hell (Helles) similar to those found throughout Bavaria. It’s slow cold-aged for over a month, giving Hummin’bird a wonderful taste and aroma.
6. Coffee Chocolate Stout, Blue Lab Brewing Co.; VA
123 S Randolph St, Lexington, VA
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Blue Lab Brewing Co. FB Page
BLBC Coffee Chocolate Stout uses four specialty malts to produce subtle coffee and chocolate flavors. We enhance those with the addition of cold-brewed Lexington Coffee Roasters organic French Roast and bittersweet chocolate from Cocoa Mill Chocolatier. The coffee flavor comes through at the beginning and the chocolate and bitterness finish it off.
7. Beazly, The Brewer’s Art; MD
1106 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: The Brewer’s Art FB Page
The Brewer’s Art’s answer to the Belgian «devil» beers (i.e. Lucifer, Duvel, etc.). Both rich and dry, this beer is all too easy to consume in large quantities. Hopped with Styrian Goldings.
8. Battle Of Brock’s Hill Smoked Porter, Beer Army; NC
1244 US Highway 70 East, New Bern, NC
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Beer Army
Battle Of Brock’s Hill is a malty dark ale with some complexity that is flavorful that exhibits a mild smoke character. It is very dark brown in appearance with ruby color highlights with minimum hop flavor. Hints of chocolate and coffee in the nose, finishing with a medium body and a full tan colored head.
9. Trout Run Brown, Big Lick Brewing Company; VA
135 Salem Ave SW Suite 100, Roanoke, VA
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Big Lick Brewing Company FB Page
A bold, hoppy brown ale with lots of chocolate and some caramel flavors. Northern Brewer, Cascade and Centennial hops take this beer way past it’s English cousin, Belly Up Brown.
10. Nutty Brew-Nette, Frog Level Brewing Company; NC
56 Commerce St, Waynesville, NC
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Frog Level Brewing Company
“Nutty” refers to the toasted biscuity, light, sweet (toffee) malt aromas. An appealing light fresh hop aroma is noticed, and has a dark amber, translucent color with a light tan head. The Head Brewmaster named this one after his wife, but she doesn’t get it.
11. Flora’s Fate Pale Ale, Bacchus Brewing Company; NY
15 Ellis Dr, Dryden, NY
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Bacchus Brewing Company FB Page
This light little lady is bourgeoning with flavor and a flowery aroma while maintaining a low profile and ABV. Theibeerr house 2-Row base malt is supported here with Vienna, German Carapils, and Acidulated malts that leave you with a light body, clean mouth feel, and crisp finish. Loads of Chinook and Ahtanum hops are dropped for bitterness and aroma. Lastly, this tasty number is dry-hopped with the unique hop blend, Falconer’s Flight.
12. Gourd Rocker Imperial Porter, Double Barley Brewing; NC
3174 US Hwy 70 W Bypass, Smithfield, NC
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Double Barley Brewing
Rich, Creamy and nicely spiced with pumpkin pie seasonings. Balanced flavors of pumpkin and malt, with a subtle hop bitterness.
13. Pussy Pilot Parade, Frey’s Brewing Company; MD
8601 Mapleville Rd, Mount Airy, MD
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Frey’s Brewing Company FB Page
A team of Pussycat Pilots flying jets in a Parade? This you have to see! This Black Rye IPA is brewed at their little farmhouse. Dark colors mixed with a 20% rye bill for that great rye flavor! Finished with Columbus hops to compliment this beer nicely with a light citrus flavor, without overwhelming.
14. Long Island Potato Stout, Blind Bat Brewery; NY
420 Harrison St, Centerport, NY
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Blind Bat Brewery FB Page
Long Island Potato Stout is brewed with local, organically-grown potatoes that are boiled, mashed, and then added to the mash of grains to add some extra dryness to a dry stout.
15. Belgian Golden Ale, Nickelpoint Brewing Co.; NC
506 Pershing Rd, Raleigh, NC
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Nickelpoint Brewing Co. FB Page
Nickelpoint’s Belgian Golden Ale is complex in flavor with fruity esters and moderate spiciness resembling the deep rich flavor characteristic of Belgian styles. Belgian yeast strains produce these wonderfully complex layers of flavors often aided by warmer fermentation temperatures. Medium golden in color, the Belgian Golden Ale has a great looking white head and is high in carbonation bringing the rich flavor to the fore.
16. Black Rye IPA, Redbeard Brewing Company; VA
120 S Lewis St, Staunton, VA
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Redbeard Brewing Company
Black IPA with a touch of roasted rye.
17. Banana Nut Brown Ale, KUKA Beer; NY
300 Corporate Drive, Unit 2, Blauvelt, NY
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: KUKA Beer FB Page
Brewed with real bananas, Banana Nut Brown is a recognizable classic, featuring nutty and light roasty flavors along with inviting banana overtones. We worked tirelessly to keep a balanced flavor profile. A smooth and tasty twist on an English style brown ale.
18. 8, Flying Mouse Brewery; VA
221 Precast Way, Troutville, VA
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Flying Mouse Brewery
Dark and moody, this smoky, full-flavored ale has a creamy head and modest hop bitterness. Crafted from a Porter foundation, though dark in color, the Flying Mouse Eight doesn’t have the heaviness of many dark beers, providing an enjoyable brew that will get the gears turning with each sip. Enjoy after battling giant robots.
19. St. Michaels Ale, Eastern Shore Brewing; MD
605 S Talbot St, Saint Michaels, MD
Website | Facebook | Photo: Eastern Shore Brewing FB Page
An American amber ale brewed with Carmel and Munich malts. Medium bodied with an off white head and balanced with Willamette and Saaz hops. Smooth toffee/carmel malt flavor in the front and finishes clean with a spicy bite.
20. Got Your Back, The Beer Diviner; NY
Albany, NY
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: The Beer Diviner
Imperial Coffee Oatmeal Stout: local Liquid Assets cold brewed, Sumatra French decaf, Maris Otter floor malted Scottish malt and seven other malts, English Fuggles and Goldings hops.
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