Which Philadelphia brewery should advance to Scoutology.com’s Top 16 Beer Brawl!?!? Your votes will determine the outcome and the BEST BREWERY in Philly! VOTE NOW; VOTE OFTEN!
The Sweet 16 will start Friday, April 22nd at 12:00pm
1. 2nd Story Brewing Co.
117 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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2nd Story Brewing Co. is a pizza brewpub with a great selection of house and guest beers.
2. Yards Brewing Company
901 N Delaware Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123
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Yards Brewing Company brews traditional British Ales. They also serve a great selection of sandwiches.
3. Philadelphia Brewing Co.
2440 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Philadelphia Brewing Co. is located in a 125 year old brewery building. They brew over a dozen different styles of beer as well as Commonwealth Ciders.
4. Dock Street Brewery
701 S 50th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143
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Dock Street Brewery was Philadelphia’s first microbrewery. They are a brewpub with brunch and craft spirits.
5. Earth Bread + Brewery
7136 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Earth Bread + Brewery is a pizza brewpub with flatbread pizza, four house brews and wine on tap.
6. Manayunk Brewery
4120 Main St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Manayunk Brewery is located in an old woolen mill. They have a locally sourced menu that’s expertly paired with their beers.
331 Circle of Progress, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
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SLY FOX BEER is an excellent brewpub that specializes in German and Belgian style beers.
8. Victory Beer
420 Acorn Ln, Downingtown, Pennsylvania 19335
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Victory Beer uses local water, German malts and a mixture of European and American hops to make brews like Whirlwind Witbier.
9. Do Good Brewing Company
3245 Amber St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19134
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Do Good Brewing Company brews beers for a variety of causes. Right now, a portion of the proceeds from The United Blood Orange Cream Ale goes towards ending child poverty.
10. Saint Benjamin Brewing Company
1710 N 5th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Saint Benjamin Brewing Company brews ales and lagers in British, Belgian, American and German styles.