Which Philadelphia brewery should advance to Scoutology.com’s Top 16 Beer Brawl!?!? Your votes will determine the outcome and the BEST BREWERY in Philly! VOTE NOW; VOTE OFTEN!
The Sweet 16 will start Friday, April 22nd at 12:00pm
1. 2nd Story Brewing Co.
117 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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2nd Story Brewing Co. is a pizza brewpub with a great selection of house and guest beers.
Don’t forget to vote in our Top 32 Maryland Beer Brawl, Top 32 Northern Virginia Beer Brawl, Top 16 Tennessee Beer Brawl, Top 16 Kentucky Beer Brawl, Top 16 South Carolina Beer Brawl, Top 16 Western North Carolina Winery Wars, Top 32 Western North Carolina Brewery Brawl and our Top 16 North Carolina Triangle Beer Brawl!
2. Yards Brewing Company
901 N Delaware Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123
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Yards Brewing Company brews traditional British Ales. They also serve a great selection of sandwiches.
3. Philadelphia Brewing Co.
2440 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Philadelphia Brewing Co. is located in a 125 year old brewery building. They brew over a dozen different styles of beer as well as Commonwealth Ciders.
4. Dock Street Brewery
701 S 50th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143
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Dock Street Brewery was Philadelphia’s first microbrewery. They are a brewpub with brunch and craft spirits.
5. Earth Bread + Brewery
7136 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Earth Bread + Brewery is a pizza brewpub with flatbread pizza, four house brews and wine on tap.
6. Manayunk Brewery
4120 Main St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Manayunk Brewery is located in an old woolen mill. They have a locally sourced menu that’s expertly paired with their beers.
331 Circle of Progress, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
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SLY FOX BEER is an excellent brewpub that specializes in German and Belgian style beers.
8. Victory Beer
420 Acorn Ln, Downingtown, Pennsylvania 19335
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Victory Beer uses local water, German malts and a mixture of European and American hops to make brews like Whirlwind Witbier.
9. Do Good Brewing Company
3245 Amber St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19134
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Do Good Brewing Company brews beers for a variety of causes. Right now, a portion of the proceeds from The United Blood Orange Cream Ale goes towards ending child poverty.
10. Saint Benjamin Brewing Company
1710 N 5th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Saint Benjamin Brewing Company brews ales and lagers in British, Belgian, American and German styles.