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Shenandoah Valley, VA

12 Gorgeous State Parks In Virginia


1. First Landing State Park: Virginia Beach

first landing

2500 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Yelp

Since colonists first walked along the shores of First Landing State Park, the sight has grown to become the most popular state park in Virginia! With over 20 miles of trails and 1.5 miles of sandy Chesapeake Bay frontage, First Landing is an oasis within the urban Virginia Beach area. Keep Reading

10 Things You Need To Know About The “Duel Pop-Up” Restaurant On 8/31


There are reservations available for the 8pm “Duel” seating. Call 434-202-8387 or e-mail to book your reservations for Monday, August 22! Don’t Miss The “Duel Pop-Up” Restaurant, featuring Head Chef Chris Humphrey of Rapture Restaurant and Head Chef Michael Berry of Tastings Restaurant, on August 31 At Tin Whistle Irish Pub on Market St.

1. Contender #1: Chef Chris Humphrey, Rapture Restaurant

609 East Market St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Rapture Twitter

Humphrey is the executive chef at Rapture. We are excited to see how he will use his experience preparing Southern-inspired cuisine! Keep Reading

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