6 Cool Carver Businesses In RVA


1. Sugar Shack Donuts

1001 N Lombardy St, Richmond, Virginia
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Sugar Shack Donuts has insanely good donuts in a wide variety of flavors and sizes.

2. The Black Sheep

901 W Marshall St, Richmond, Virginia
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The Black Sheep is a fun Cajun restaurant with great sandwiches.

3. The Magpie

1301 W Leigh St, Richmond, Virginia
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The Magpie is a lovely gastropub with plenty of great small plates.


819-A West Broad St, Richmond, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: VELOCITY FB

VELOCITY COMICS has a huge selection of comics, including indie and local publications.

5. Mo’s Sweet Minis

902 W Broad St, Richmond, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Photo: Mo’s FB

Mo’s Sweet Minis has adorable and sweet treats like these coconut lime cupcakes.

6. Richmond Book Shop

808 W Broad St,Richmond, Virginia
Facebook | Photo: Richmond Book Shop FB

Richmond Book Shop sells more than books. They have vintage magazines, back issues of comics, prints and artwork.

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