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10 Things You Need To Know About The “Duel Pop-Up” Restaurant On 8/31


There are reservations available for the 8pm “Duel” seating. Call 434-202-8387 or e-mail to book your reservations for Monday, August 22! Don’t Miss The “Duel Pop-Up” Restaurant, featuring Head Chef Chris Humphrey of Rapture Restaurant and Head Chef Michael Berry of Tastings Restaurant, on August 31 At Tin Whistle Irish Pub on Market St.

1. Contender #1: Chef Chris Humphrey, Rapture Restaurant

609 East Market St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Rapture Twitter

Humphrey is the executive chef at Rapture. We are excited to see how he will use his experience preparing Southern-inspired cuisine! Keep Reading

Scoutology’s Guide To Central Virginia Wine Country


The Charlottesville/Central Virginia Region offers many custom winery tour opportunities. Here’s a handy list of what each region has to offer. Please share this list with your friends and drink up, Central Virginia style!

1. Charlottesville Area

Photo: Jefferson Vineyards FB
If you don’t want to travel too far from home (especially if you plan on drinking the wine), there are six wineries located in The Charlottesville Vicinity! Keep Reading

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